You Didn't Learn This in Dental School

Your fourth-year dental practice management course didn't do you any favors. Luckily, you have us. Thanks to Dr. Parth Patel we are bringing you something that you definitely didn't learn in dental school. A visualized review of dental practice roll-ups

You Didn't Learn This in Dental School

Rolling Up the Dental Industry

Let’s take it back to your fourth year of dental school- you are trying to finish that last crown preparation a month before graduation, find a job, and organize your post-dental school life.

On top of all of that, school squeezes in a practice management course that just seems to be checking off a box for your graduation retirements.

If you are like us and can't remember the difference between revenue and net operating income, oh boy have we got a solution for you.

Twitter > Your D4 Practice Management Class

Want an easy way to learn more than an entire semester’s worth of classes- let’s turn to Dr. Parth Patel. Here's the cool thing- he is building in public. As a Penn Dental and Wharton MBA grad, Dr. Patel consistently drops dental industry business insights that you definitely didn't cover in your practice management course.

Recently, he published a thread about dental industry roll-ups. In our normal fashion, we put it into infographic form.

Dental Practice Roll-Ups: Visualized👇

Go give Dr. Parth a follow on Twitter.